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Entry | Type | Subtype | Subset | Genotype | F-score | Recall | Precision | Frac_NA | Truth TP | Truth FN | Query TP | Query FP | FP gt | % FP ma | |
14901-14950 / 86044 show all | |||||||||||||||
gduggal-bwavard | INDEL | D16_PLUS | HG002complexvar | homalt | 80.7881 | 69.2042 | 97.0297 | 57.4737 | 200 | 89 | 196 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
gduggal-bwavard | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_AllRepeats_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 78.1643 | 64.5833 | 98.9779 | 55.8315 | 589 | 323 | 581 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
gduggal-bwavard | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331 | homalt | 72.3907 | 57.0056 | 99.1501 | 60.4038 | 712 | 537 | 700 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
gduggal-bwavard | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_all_merged | homalt | 72.3907 | 57.0056 | 99.1501 | 60.4038 | 712 | 537 | 700 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
gduggal-bwavard | INDEL | D1_5 | lowcmp_AllRepeats_51to200bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 51.9508 | 35.3723 | 97.7778 | 57.1429 | 266 | 486 | 264 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
gduggal-bwavard | INDEL | D6_15 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | het | 90.1456 | 99.3056 | 82.5328 | 68.5151 | 572 | 4 | 567 | 120 | 100 | 83.3333 | |
gduggal-bwafb | INDEL | I1_5 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_51to200bp_gt95identity_merged | hetalt | 80.1822 | 76.1905 | 84.6154 | 73.4694 | 64 | 20 | 33 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
gduggal-bwafb | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_diTR_11to50 | homalt | 78.6765 | 69.9346 | 89.9160 | 64.3713 | 107 | 46 | 107 | 12 | 10 | 83.3333 | |
gduggal-bwafb | SNP | tv | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRlt7_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 97.5025 | 96.2525 | 98.7854 | 87.2812 | 488 | 19 | 488 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
gduggal-bwaplat | SNP | ti | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRlt7_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 72.8837 | 58.1081 | 97.7358 | 91.6876 | 258 | 186 | 259 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
gduggal-bwaplat | SNP | ti | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_diTR_11to50 | homalt | 89.4671 | 81.5166 | 99.1361 | 72.5927 | 1376 | 312 | 1377 | 12 | 10 | 83.3333 | |
gduggal-bwavard | INDEL | * | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_quadTR_11to50 | homalt | 78.1733 | 64.2951 | 99.6920 | 43.7482 | 3904 | 2168 | 3884 | 12 | 10 | 83.3333 | |
gduggal-bwaplat | INDEL | D16_PLUS | HG002complexvar | homalt | 84.4618 | 76.1246 | 94.8498 | 71.9277 | 220 | 69 | 221 | 12 | 10 | 83.3333 | |
gduggal-bwaplat | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331 | homalt | 86.6522 | 77.1817 | 98.7718 | 69.3057 | 964 | 285 | 965 | 12 | 10 | 83.3333 | |
gduggal-bwaplat | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_all_merged | homalt | 86.6522 | 77.1817 | 98.7718 | 69.3057 | 964 | 285 | 965 | 12 | 10 | 83.3333 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_all_gt95identity_merged | het | 95.9246 | 93.0075 | 99.0307 | 72.1673 | 1237 | 93 | 1226 | 12 | 10 | 83.3333 | |
jli-custom | INDEL | D6_15 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_quadTR_51to200 | hetalt | 97.2401 | 95.3342 | 99.2238 | 23.4653 | 756 | 37 | 767 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
jli-custom | INDEL | I16_PLUS | lowcmp_AllRepeats_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 96.7742 | 98.3607 | 95.2381 | 84.7826 | 120 | 2 | 120 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
jli-custom | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_AllRepeats_51to200bp_gt95identity_merged | * | 94.4403 | 91.3876 | 97.7041 | 63.8876 | 764 | 72 | 766 | 18 | 15 | 83.3333 | |
jli-custom | SNP | tv | map_l100_m1_e0 | homalt | 99.7840 | 99.6351 | 99.9335 | 58.3614 | 9010 | 33 | 9010 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
jli-custom | SNP | tv | map_l100_m2_e0 | homalt | 99.7826 | 99.6310 | 99.9347 | 60.9754 | 9180 | 34 | 9180 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
jli-custom | SNP | tv | map_l100_m2_e1 | homalt | 99.7847 | 99.6345 | 99.9353 | 60.9647 | 9268 | 34 | 9268 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
jli-custom | SNP | tv | map_l125_m1_e0 | homalt | 99.7265 | 99.5563 | 99.8973 | 63.1639 | 5834 | 26 | 5834 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
jli-custom | SNP | tv | map_l125_m2_e0 | homalt | 99.7336 | 99.5679 | 99.8999 | 65.8835 | 5991 | 26 | 5991 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
jli-custom | SNP | tv | map_l125_m2_e1 | homalt | 99.7361 | 99.5719 | 99.9009 | 65.9064 | 6048 | 26 | 6048 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | INDEL | I16_PLUS | HG002compoundhet | het | 74.1304 | 65.9574 | 84.6154 | 79.8969 | 31 | 16 | 33 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRlt7_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | hetalt | 97.0687 | 94.5254 | 99.7527 | 45.0883 | 2400 | 139 | 2420 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_all_gt95identity_merged | hetalt | 96.9685 | 94.3268 | 99.7624 | 46.4589 | 2494 | 150 | 2519 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_diTR_11to50 | hetalt | 97.3152 | 95.0875 | 99.6497 | 51.5280 | 1684 | 87 | 1707 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | SNP | * | map_l100_m0_e0 | homalt | 99.7372 | 99.6299 | 99.8447 | 62.2918 | 11577 | 43 | 11575 | 18 | 15 | 83.3333 | |
jpowers-varprowl | INDEL | D1_5 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 90.3431 | 83.7398 | 98.0769 | 74.6548 | 309 | 60 | 306 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
jpowers-varprowl | INDEL | I1_5 | map_l100_m1_e0 | homalt | 97.6562 | 96.5251 | 98.8142 | 74.0646 | 500 | 18 | 500 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
jpowers-varprowl | INDEL | I1_5 | map_l100_m2_e0 | homalt | 97.5191 | 96.2335 | 98.8395 | 76.2735 | 511 | 20 | 511 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
jmaeng-gatk | INDEL | D16_PLUS | HG002complexvar | homalt | 98.6254 | 99.3080 | 97.9522 | 75.9046 | 287 | 2 | 287 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
jmaeng-gatk | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_quadTR_51to200 | het | 94.6822 | 99.3902 | 90.4000 | 87.6847 | 163 | 1 | 113 | 12 | 10 | 83.3333 | |
jmaeng-gatk | INDEL | D1_5 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | * | 99.5131 | 99.4163 | 99.6101 | 78.2596 | 1533 | 9 | 1533 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
jmaeng-gatk | INDEL | I16_PLUS | * | hetalt | 95.5588 | 91.7541 | 99.6928 | 55.4720 | 1925 | 173 | 1947 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
jmaeng-gatk | INDEL | I16_PLUS | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_diTR_11to50 | homalt | 93.1818 | 100.0000 | 87.2340 | 88.0102 | 41 | 0 | 41 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
jmaeng-gatk | SNP | * | * | hetalt | 98.6127 | 97.9334 | 99.3015 | 55.2138 | 853 | 18 | 853 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
jmaeng-gatk | SNP | tv | * | hetalt | 98.6127 | 97.9334 | 99.3015 | 55.2138 | 853 | 18 | 853 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
jpowers-varprowl | INDEL | * | map_siren | * | 91.5569 | 90.4453 | 92.6961 | 81.8403 | 6702 | 708 | 6701 | 528 | 440 | 83.3333 | |
ltrigg-rtg2 | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_AllRepeats_51to200bp_gt95identity_merged | * | 93.0557 | 88.2519 | 98.4127 | 61.7176 | 1878 | 250 | 1860 | 30 | 25 | 83.3333 | |
jli-custom | INDEL | D1_5 | HG002complexvar | homalt | 99.9010 | 99.9151 | 99.8868 | 59.4114 | 10589 | 9 | 10593 | 12 | 10 | 83.3333 | |
jli-custom | INDEL | D1_5 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRlt7_51to200bp_gt95identity_merged | hetalt | 95.1973 | 91.2471 | 99.5050 | 29.3294 | 1178 | 113 | 1206 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
jli-custom | INDEL | D1_5 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_quadTR_51to200 | het | 97.3541 | 96.3636 | 98.3651 | 75.9186 | 371 | 14 | 361 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
hfeng-pmm1 | INDEL | I16_PLUS | HG002complexvar | homalt | 99.0385 | 100.0000 | 98.0952 | 70.1139 | 309 | 0 | 309 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
hfeng-pmm1 | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_diTR_11to50 | homalt | 98.0769 | 100.0000 | 96.2264 | 77.0893 | 153 | 0 | 153 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
hfeng-pmm1 | SNP | * | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_diTR_11to50 | het | 97.7476 | 95.6863 | 99.8995 | 66.9763 | 5967 | 269 | 5967 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
hfeng-pmm2 | INDEL | I16_PLUS | HG002complexvar | homalt | 99.0385 | 100.0000 | 98.0952 | 70.2550 | 309 | 0 | 309 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 | |
hfeng-pmm2 | INDEL | I16_PLUS | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRlt7_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 88.4615 | 100.0000 | 79.3103 | 87.8661 | 23 | 0 | 23 | 6 | 5 | 83.3333 |