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Entry | Type | Subtype | Subset | Genotype | F-score | Recall | Precision | Frac_NA | Truth TP | Truth FN | Query TP | Query FP | FP gt | % FP ma | |
14451-14500 / 86044 show all | |||||||||||||||
dgrover-gatk | SNP | tv | map_l125_m0_e0 | * | 98.7276 | 98.8840 | 98.5716 | 78.3574 | 6557 | 74 | 6556 | 95 | 18 | 18.9474 | |
gduggal-bwafb | SNP | ti | map_l150_m1_e0 | * | 98.7276 | 98.5998 | 98.8556 | 76.3349 | 19436 | 276 | 19436 | 225 | 69 | 30.6667 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | SNP | * | map_l125_m2_e0 | het | 98.7273 | 97.7659 | 99.7078 | 62.2269 | 28663 | 655 | 28664 | 84 | 12 | 14.2857 | |
ckim-dragen | INDEL | D1_5 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_51to200bp_gt95identity_merged | het | 98.7270 | 98.3908 | 99.0654 | 70.1742 | 428 | 7 | 424 | 4 | 3 | 75.0000 | |
ckim-gatk | INDEL | * | map_l100_m0_e0 | homalt | 98.7267 | 99.0177 | 98.4375 | 85.4504 | 504 | 5 | 504 | 8 | 5 | 62.5000 | |
hfeng-pmm3 | INDEL | * | map_l100_m0_e0 | homalt | 98.7267 | 99.0177 | 98.4375 | 81.9591 | 504 | 5 | 504 | 8 | 4 | 50.0000 | |
hfeng-pmm2 | INDEL | D1_5 | map_l100_m2_e0 | * | 98.7266 | 99.0601 | 98.3954 | 83.7702 | 1897 | 18 | 1901 | 31 | 4 | 12.9032 | |
egarrison-hhga | SNP | tv | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331 | het | 98.7264 | 98.4342 | 99.0203 | 74.1270 | 8990 | 143 | 8995 | 89 | 19 | 21.3483 | |
egarrison-hhga | SNP | tv | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_all_merged | het | 98.7264 | 98.4342 | 99.0203 | 74.1270 | 8990 | 143 | 8995 | 89 | 19 | 21.3483 | |
raldana-dualsentieon | SNP | ti | map_l125_m1_e0 | het | 98.7264 | 98.8941 | 98.5593 | 72.2989 | 18064 | 202 | 18060 | 264 | 3 | 1.1364 | |
rpoplin-dv42 | SNP | * | tech_badpromoters | * | 98.7261 | 98.7261 | 98.7261 | 46.9595 | 155 | 2 | 155 | 2 | 2 | 100.0000 | |
hfeng-pmm2 | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | * | 98.7261 | 98.7261 | 98.7261 | 63.8249 | 155 | 2 | 155 | 2 | 1 | 50.0000 | |
hfeng-pmm2 | SNP | * | tech_badpromoters | * | 98.7261 | 98.7261 | 98.7261 | 47.3154 | 155 | 2 | 155 | 2 | 2 | 100.0000 | |
hfeng-pmm3 | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | * | 98.7261 | 98.7261 | 98.7261 | 62.5298 | 155 | 2 | 155 | 2 | 1 | 50.0000 | |
jpowers-varprowl | SNP | tv | map_l150_m1_e0 | homalt | 98.7251 | 98.1247 | 99.3330 | 75.8368 | 3872 | 74 | 3872 | 26 | 16 | 61.5385 | |
ckim-gatk | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_all_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 98.7250 | 99.6324 | 97.8339 | 67.7720 | 1084 | 4 | 1084 | 24 | 21 | 87.5000 | |
ckim-vqsr | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_all_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 98.7250 | 99.6324 | 97.8339 | 67.7720 | 1084 | 4 | 1084 | 24 | 21 | 87.5000 | |
bgallagher-sentieon | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | * | 98.7246 | 98.3051 | 99.1477 | 70.1442 | 348 | 6 | 349 | 3 | 3 | 100.0000 | |
ckim-dragen | SNP | tv | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRlt7_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 98.7242 | 99.2110 | 98.2422 | 85.7580 | 503 | 4 | 503 | 9 | 2 | 22.2222 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_AllRepeats_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 98.7239 | 97.5877 | 99.8869 | 55.9761 | 890 | 22 | 883 | 1 | 1 | 100.0000 | |
rpoplin-dv42 | SNP | * | map_l250_m2_e0 | homalt | 98.7237 | 97.9151 | 99.5458 | 87.7612 | 2630 | 56 | 2630 | 12 | 12 | 100.0000 | |
jlack-gatk | INDEL | D1_5 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_diTR_11to50 | homalt | 98.7235 | 99.7792 | 97.6898 | 36.3761 | 7231 | 16 | 7231 | 171 | 170 | 99.4152 | |
qzeng-custom | INDEL | D1_5 | lowcmp_AllRepeats_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 98.7222 | 98.4748 | 98.9709 | 68.2697 | 21565 | 334 | 21542 | 224 | 207 | 92.4107 | |
raldana-dualsentieon | SNP | * | map_l250_m0_e0 | homalt | 98.7220 | 98.2512 | 99.1974 | 90.2732 | 618 | 11 | 618 | 5 | 2 | 40.0000 | |
cchapple-custom | SNP | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRlt7_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 98.7220 | 97.5815 | 99.8894 | 72.8284 | 928 | 23 | 903 | 1 | 1 | 100.0000 | |
jmaeng-gatk | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_AllRepeats_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | het | 98.7219 | 98.3777 | 99.0685 | 77.8155 | 1516 | 25 | 1489 | 14 | 6 | 42.8571 | |
ckim-vqsr | INDEL | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRlt7_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | het | 98.7214 | 99.2652 | 98.1834 | 66.0056 | 12429 | 92 | 12269 | 227 | 213 | 93.8326 | |
ltrigg-rtg2 | INDEL | C6_15 | * | * | 98.7212 | 100.0000 | 97.4747 | 93.7931 | 7 | 0 | 386 | 10 | 3 | 30.0000 | |
egarrison-hhga | SNP | ti | HG002compoundhet | het | 98.7211 | 97.8643 | 99.5931 | 37.6968 | 9302 | 203 | 9300 | 38 | 21 | 55.2632 | |
rpoplin-dv42 | INDEL | D1_5 | map_l100_m2_e0 | * | 98.7206 | 98.6423 | 98.7990 | 83.5904 | 1889 | 26 | 1892 | 23 | 9 | 39.1304 | |
jli-custom | SNP | * | map_l150_m0_e0 | * | 98.7204 | 98.1051 | 99.3435 | 75.0933 | 11804 | 228 | 11804 | 78 | 29 | 37.1795 | |
cchapple-custom | INDEL | D6_15 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_quadTR_11to50 | * | 98.7204 | 98.1014 | 99.3473 | 45.8867 | 3617 | 70 | 3653 | 24 | 22 | 91.6667 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | SNP | tv | map_l125_m2_e0 | het | 98.7191 | 97.7974 | 99.6584 | 61.3796 | 10212 | 230 | 10211 | 35 | 5 | 14.2857 | |
ltrigg-rtg2 | SNP | * | map_l100_m0_e0 | * | 98.7191 | 97.6280 | 99.8350 | 53.7664 | 32062 | 779 | 32065 | 53 | 9 | 16.9811 | |
gduggal-bwafb | SNP | tv | segdup | * | 98.7191 | 99.3671 | 98.0796 | 93.0076 | 8478 | 54 | 8478 | 166 | 14 | 8.4337 | |
eyeh-varpipe | SNP | ti | map_siren | hetalt | 98.7189 | 98.2456 | 99.1968 | 68.8944 | 56 | 1 | 494 | 4 | 4 | 100.0000 | |
gduggal-snapfb | SNP | tv | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | homalt | 98.7189 | 99.8474 | 97.6155 | 43.1356 | 1309 | 2 | 1310 | 32 | 0 | 0.0000 | |
ltrigg-rtg2 | INDEL | I1_5 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRlt7_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | hetalt | 98.7188 | 97.6759 | 99.7842 | 42.6822 | 4539 | 108 | 4623 | 10 | 10 | 100.0000 | |
eyeh-varpipe | SNP | tv | map_l250_m2_e1 | * | 98.7186 | 99.5542 | 97.8969 | 90.7430 | 2903 | 13 | 2886 | 62 | 6 | 9.6774 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | SNP | tv | map_l125_m2_e1 | het | 98.7185 | 97.8205 | 99.6332 | 61.5213 | 10323 | 230 | 10322 | 38 | 5 | 13.1579 | |
egarrison-hhga | SNP | * | map_l250_m2_e1 | * | 98.7184 | 97.8841 | 99.5670 | 88.3214 | 7818 | 169 | 7818 | 34 | 16 | 47.0588 | |
astatham-gatk | INDEL | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRlt7_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | het | 98.7180 | 99.3371 | 98.1066 | 65.6768 | 12438 | 83 | 12280 | 237 | 222 | 93.6709 | |
jmaeng-gatk | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | * | 98.7179 | 98.0892 | 99.3548 | 70.4198 | 154 | 3 | 154 | 1 | 1 | 100.0000 | |
raldana-dualsentieon | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | * | 98.7179 | 98.0892 | 99.3548 | 63.6150 | 154 | 3 | 154 | 1 | 1 | 100.0000 | |
egarrison-hhga | SNP | * | tech_badpromoters | het | 98.7179 | 100.0000 | 97.4684 | 44.7552 | 77 | 0 | 77 | 2 | 0 | 0.0000 | |
eyeh-varpipe | SNP | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331 | hetalt | 98.7179 | 100.0000 | 97.4684 | 89.0733 | 15 | 0 | 231 | 6 | 4 | 66.6667 | |
eyeh-varpipe | SNP | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_all_merged | hetalt | 98.7179 | 100.0000 | 97.4684 | 89.0733 | 15 | 0 | 231 | 6 | 4 | 66.6667 | |
gduggal-bwavard | SNP | tv | map_l125_m2_e1 | homalt | 98.7179 | 97.6457 | 99.8140 | 68.9260 | 5931 | 143 | 5903 | 11 | 9 | 81.8182 | |
jlack-gatk | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | * | 98.7179 | 98.0892 | 99.3548 | 69.6078 | 154 | 3 | 154 | 1 | 0 | 0.0000 | |
hfeng-pmm2 | INDEL | I1_5 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_homopolymer_6to10 | hetalt | 98.7179 | 97.4684 | 100.0000 | 72.7032 | 308 | 8 | 309 | 0 | 0 |