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Entry | Type | Subtype | Subset | Genotype | F-score | Recall | Precision | Frac_NA | Truth TP | Truth FN | Query TP | Query FP | FP gt | % FP ma | |
13301-13350 / 86044 show all | |||||||||||||||
ckim-vqsr | SNP | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331 | het | 98.9180 | 98.7044 | 99.1325 | 79.1132 | 28340 | 372 | 28340 | 248 | 29 | 11.6935 | |
ckim-vqsr | SNP | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_all_merged | het | 98.9180 | 98.7044 | 99.1325 | 79.1132 | 28340 | 372 | 28340 | 248 | 29 | 11.6935 | |
hfeng-pmm2 | INDEL | D1_5 | HG002complexvar | het | 98.9180 | 97.9581 | 99.8969 | 54.5187 | 20341 | 424 | 20346 | 21 | 14 | 66.6667 | |
jli-custom | INDEL | D1_5 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRlt7_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | het | 98.9179 | 98.5780 | 99.2602 | 53.6895 | 7279 | 105 | 7245 | 54 | 49 | 90.7407 | |
hfeng-pmm1 | INDEL | D1_5 | HG002complexvar | het | 98.9178 | 97.9388 | 99.9165 | 54.1519 | 20337 | 428 | 20340 | 17 | 9 | 52.9412 | |
ckim-vqsr | INDEL | D1_5 | segdup | het | 98.9178 | 98.9884 | 98.8473 | 96.6564 | 685 | 7 | 686 | 8 | 0 | 0.0000 | |
jli-custom | INDEL | * | map_l150_m1_e0 | homalt | 98.9177 | 98.9177 | 98.9177 | 87.2411 | 457 | 5 | 457 | 5 | 3 | 60.0000 | |
ltrigg-rtg2 | INDEL | D6_15 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRlt7_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | * | 98.9176 | 98.2314 | 99.6135 | 43.6336 | 10886 | 196 | 10826 | 42 | 39 | 92.8571 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | SNP | ti | map_l150_m1_e0 | * | 98.9175 | 98.0418 | 99.8089 | 66.8010 | 19326 | 386 | 19329 | 37 | 16 | 43.2432 | |
gduggal-snapplat | SNP | * | HG002complexvar | homalt | 98.9173 | 98.0729 | 99.7763 | 21.2516 | 283014 | 5561 | 282787 | 634 | 338 | 53.3123 | |
ckim-dragen | INDEL | D6_15 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_all_gt95identity_merged | het | 98.9169 | 99.3027 | 98.5341 | 69.1612 | 4415 | 31 | 4369 | 65 | 62 | 95.3846 | |
hfeng-pmm1 | INDEL | D6_15 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRlt7_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 98.9167 | 99.3224 | 98.5143 | 47.0103 | 2785 | 19 | 2785 | 42 | 42 | 100.0000 | |
ckim-dragen | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_quadTR_11to50 | het | 98.9156 | 98.4914 | 99.3435 | 72.0489 | 457 | 7 | 454 | 3 | 1 | 33.3333 | |
hfeng-pmm3 | INDEL | I1_5 | map_l125_m1_e0 | * | 98.9155 | 98.7952 | 99.0361 | 84.0996 | 820 | 10 | 822 | 8 | 2 | 25.0000 | |
astatham-gatk | SNP | * | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_diTR_11to50 | het | 98.9155 | 97.9955 | 99.8529 | 70.5060 | 6111 | 125 | 6111 | 9 | 8 | 88.8889 | |
ckim-vqsr | INDEL | * | map_l150_m1_e0 | homalt | 98.9154 | 98.7013 | 99.1304 | 89.0840 | 456 | 6 | 456 | 4 | 2 | 50.0000 | |
hfeng-pmm2 | INDEL | * | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_quadTR_11to50 | het | 98.9153 | 98.1365 | 99.7066 | 60.6969 | 10901 | 207 | 10875 | 32 | 10 | 31.2500 | |
ltrigg-rtg2 | SNP | ti | map_l100_m2_e1 | het | 98.9153 | 98.0846 | 99.7602 | 53.1134 | 30367 | 593 | 30370 | 73 | 6 | 8.2192 | |
hfeng-pmm2 | SNP | * | map_l150_m1_e0 | het | 98.9149 | 99.1251 | 98.7057 | 78.5477 | 19147 | 169 | 19141 | 251 | 23 | 9.1634 | |
ndellapenna-hhga | SNP | tv | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_51to200bp_gt95identity_merged | * | 98.9147 | 98.8772 | 98.9521 | 56.9032 | 1321 | 15 | 1322 | 14 | 5 | 35.7143 | |
raldana-dualsentieon | INDEL | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_51to200bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 98.9145 | 99.4543 | 98.3806 | 72.3198 | 729 | 4 | 729 | 12 | 12 | 100.0000 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | INDEL | * | HG002complexvar | het | 98.9136 | 98.2515 | 99.5847 | 53.0906 | 45404 | 808 | 44604 | 186 | 79 | 42.4731 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | INDEL | * | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | hetalt | 98.9130 | 98.1582 | 99.6795 | 48.5714 | 906 | 17 | 933 | 3 | 3 | 100.0000 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | INDEL | I1_5 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331 | homalt | 98.9129 | 98.0590 | 99.7817 | 66.6211 | 3688 | 73 | 3657 | 8 | 5 | 62.5000 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | INDEL | I1_5 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_all_merged | homalt | 98.9129 | 98.0590 | 99.7817 | 66.6211 | 3688 | 73 | 3657 | 8 | 5 | 62.5000 | |
jli-custom | INDEL | I1_5 | map_l150_m1_e0 | * | 98.9129 | 98.8142 | 99.0119 | 87.8511 | 500 | 6 | 501 | 5 | 2 | 40.0000 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | SNP | tv | map_l150_m2_e1 | * | 98.9128 | 98.0786 | 99.7613 | 68.2500 | 11281 | 221 | 11283 | 27 | 6 | 22.2222 | |
jli-custom | SNP | ti | map_l150_m2_e0 | het | 98.9128 | 98.5327 | 99.2958 | 74.7496 | 12692 | 189 | 12690 | 90 | 30 | 33.3333 | |
jlack-gatk | INDEL | I1_5 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_quadTR_11to50 | het | 98.9127 | 98.8843 | 98.9412 | 74.7999 | 1684 | 19 | 1682 | 18 | 4 | 22.2222 | |
rpoplin-dv42 | SNP | tv | map_l150_m1_e0 | * | 98.9126 | 98.7903 | 99.0352 | 73.1204 | 10780 | 132 | 10778 | 105 | 61 | 58.0952 | |
dgrover-gatk | SNP | * | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_quadTR_11to50 | het | 98.9125 | 99.8688 | 97.9744 | 43.3648 | 11418 | 15 | 11415 | 236 | 2 | 0.8475 | |
ckim-isaac | INDEL | D1_5 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_homopolymer_6to10 | * | 98.9120 | 98.2491 | 99.5839 | 53.4969 | 24915 | 444 | 24890 | 104 | 67 | 64.4231 | |
jli-custom | SNP | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRlt7_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | het | 98.9120 | 99.0753 | 98.7492 | 88.2866 | 1500 | 14 | 1500 | 19 | 8 | 42.1053 | |
astatham-gatk | INDEL | * | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_diTR_11to50 | het | 98.9118 | 99.3147 | 98.5122 | 62.5969 | 15652 | 108 | 15494 | 234 | 208 | 88.8889 | |
qzeng-custom | SNP | tv | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRlt7_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 98.9116 | 99.2110 | 98.6139 | 86.9408 | 503 | 4 | 498 | 7 | 6 | 85.7143 | |
jpowers-varprowl | SNP | tv | map_l125_m1_e0 | homalt | 98.9113 | 98.4471 | 99.3798 | 71.3800 | 5769 | 91 | 5769 | 36 | 25 | 69.4444 | |
ltrigg-rtg2 | INDEL | I1_5 | lowcmp_AllRepeats_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | hetalt | 98.9113 | 98.1812 | 99.6524 | 74.7228 | 5830 | 108 | 6020 | 21 | 21 | 100.0000 | |
raldana-dualsentieon | INDEL | D1_5 | HG002complexvar | het | 98.9112 | 97.9918 | 99.8479 | 54.6492 | 20348 | 417 | 20351 | 31 | 19 | 61.2903 | |
ckim-vqsr | SNP | ti | HG002compoundhet | * | 98.9109 | 97.9517 | 99.8891 | 36.4634 | 17120 | 358 | 17120 | 19 | 17 | 89.4737 | |
ghariani-varprowl | SNP | * | map_l150_m2_e0 | homalt | 98.9108 | 98.1879 | 99.6443 | 74.5311 | 11487 | 212 | 11487 | 41 | 25 | 60.9756 | |
rpoplin-dv42 | INDEL | D1_5 | map_l150_m1_e0 | homalt | 98.9107 | 99.5614 | 98.2684 | 87.7971 | 227 | 1 | 227 | 4 | 4 | 100.0000 | |
dgrover-gatk | INDEL | I1_5 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_all_gt95identity_merged | het | 98.9105 | 98.7393 | 99.0822 | 76.8986 | 2428 | 31 | 2375 | 22 | 13 | 59.0909 | |
jli-custom | INDEL | I1_5 | map_l125_m2_e1 | het | 98.9102 | 98.2283 | 99.6016 | 86.3661 | 499 | 9 | 500 | 2 | 0 | 0.0000 | |
dgrover-gatk | INDEL | * | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_quadTR_11to50 | hetalt | 98.9101 | 98.0611 | 99.7739 | 42.7400 | 2630 | 52 | 2648 | 6 | 6 | 100.0000 | |
anovak-vg | SNP | ti | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_homopolymer_6to10 | homalt | 98.9096 | 99.0913 | 98.7286 | 42.0919 | 2181 | 20 | 2252 | 29 | 10 | 34.4828 | |
jli-custom | SNP | * | map_l125_m0_e0 | * | 98.9095 | 98.4885 | 99.3340 | 69.7637 | 19092 | 293 | 19092 | 128 | 48 | 37.5000 | |
ltrigg-rtg2 | SNP | ti | map_l100_m2_e0 | het | 98.9081 | 98.0635 | 99.7675 | 53.0390 | 30029 | 593 | 30032 | 70 | 6 | 8.5714 | |
jlack-gatk | SNP | tv | lowcmp_AllRepeats_51to200bp_gt95identity_merged | * | 98.9076 | 98.5488 | 99.2691 | 69.3358 | 1494 | 22 | 1494 | 11 | 2 | 18.1818 | |
jlack-gatk | SNP | tv | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRlt7_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 98.9076 | 98.2249 | 99.6000 | 84.9034 | 498 | 9 | 498 | 2 | 2 | 100.0000 | |
mlin-fermikit | SNP | ti | * | * | 98.9073 | 98.2768 | 99.5460 | 14.9446 | 2049581 | 35937 | 2049572 | 9348 | 8085 | 86.4891 |