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Entry | Type | Subtype | Subset | Genotype | F-score | Recall | Precision | Frac_NA | Truth TP | Truth FN | Query TP | Query FP | FP gt | % FP ma | |
8551-8600 / 86044 show all | |||||||||||||||
hfeng-pmm1 | SNP | ti | map_siren | het | 99.5806 | 99.3331 | 99.8292 | 52.2251 | 61966 | 416 | 61957 | 106 | 24 | 22.6415 | |
astatham-gatk | INDEL | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | * | 99.5798 | 99.5507 | 99.6089 | 75.0780 | 5096 | 23 | 5094 | 20 | 10 | 50.0000 | |
eyeh-varpipe | SNP | * | * | hetalt | 99.5795 | 99.8852 | 99.2757 | 41.9596 | 870 | 1 | 7539 | 55 | 52 | 94.5455 | |
jlack-gatk | INDEL | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | het | 99.5795 | 99.7661 | 99.3937 | 76.6906 | 2133 | 5 | 2131 | 13 | 5 | 38.4615 | |
hfeng-pmm3 | SNP | * | segdup | het | 99.5790 | 99.7344 | 99.4241 | 89.8527 | 17271 | 46 | 17265 | 100 | 0 | 0.0000 | |
jlack-gatk | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | hetalt | 99.5789 | 99.5781 | 99.5798 | 24.6835 | 236 | 1 | 237 | 1 | 1 | 100.0000 | |
eyeh-varpipe | SNP | tv | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_51to200bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 99.5789 | 99.5842 | 99.5736 | 56.7742 | 479 | 2 | 467 | 2 | 1 | 50.0000 | |
jli-custom | INDEL | I1_5 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_quadTR_11to50 | homalt | 99.5785 | 99.8122 | 99.3458 | 67.3382 | 1063 | 2 | 1063 | 7 | 7 | 100.0000 | |
egarrison-hhga | SNP | ti | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_51to200bp_gt95identity_merged | * | 99.5783 | 99.7296 | 99.4274 | 58.3882 | 2951 | 8 | 2952 | 17 | 2 | 11.7647 | |
egarrison-hhga | SNP | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | het | 99.5782 | 99.3986 | 99.7586 | 57.7309 | 2479 | 15 | 2479 | 6 | 2 | 33.3333 | |
asubramanian-gatk | SNP | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 99.5782 | 99.6004 | 99.5561 | 52.7078 | 2243 | 9 | 2243 | 10 | 0 | 0.0000 | |
asubramanian-gatk | INDEL | I1_5 | func_cds | homalt | 99.5781 | 99.1597 | 100.0000 | 31.3953 | 118 | 1 | 118 | 0 | 0 | ||
eyeh-varpipe | SNP | * | map_l150_m1_e0 | hetalt | 99.5781 | 100.0000 | 99.1597 | 73.6142 | 20 | 0 | 118 | 1 | 0 | 0.0000 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | INDEL | D1_5 | map_l100_m1_e0 | homalt | 99.5779 | 99.4932 | 99.6627 | 79.8505 | 589 | 3 | 591 | 2 | 2 | 100.0000 | |
hfeng-pmm1 | INDEL | I1_5 | HG002complexvar | * | 99.5778 | 99.2956 | 99.8615 | 56.6148 | 33128 | 235 | 33171 | 46 | 29 | 63.0435 | |
ckim-gatk | SNP | tv | func_cds | * | 99.5776 | 99.7941 | 99.3620 | 38.5208 | 4362 | 9 | 4361 | 28 | 0 | 0.0000 | |
hfeng-pmm2 | INDEL | D1_5 | map_l100_m1_e0 | homalt | 99.5773 | 99.4932 | 99.6616 | 80.9170 | 589 | 3 | 589 | 2 | 2 | 100.0000 | |
bgallagher-sentieon | INDEL | D1_5 | map_l100_m1_e0 | homalt | 99.5773 | 99.4932 | 99.6616 | 83.0562 | 589 | 3 | 589 | 2 | 2 | 100.0000 | |
bgallagher-sentieon | INDEL | I1_5 | segdup | homalt | 99.5772 | 99.5772 | 99.5772 | 92.7775 | 471 | 2 | 471 | 2 | 2 | 100.0000 | |
astatham-gatk | INDEL | I1_5 | segdup | homalt | 99.5772 | 99.5772 | 99.5772 | 92.7984 | 471 | 2 | 471 | 2 | 2 | 100.0000 | |
ckim-vqsr | INDEL | I1_5 | segdup | homalt | 99.5772 | 99.5772 | 99.5772 | 92.8593 | 471 | 2 | 471 | 2 | 2 | 100.0000 | |
dgrover-gatk | INDEL | I1_5 | segdup | homalt | 99.5772 | 99.5772 | 99.5772 | 92.8776 | 471 | 2 | 471 | 2 | 2 | 100.0000 | |
hfeng-pmm2 | INDEL | I1_5 | segdup | homalt | 99.5772 | 99.5772 | 99.5772 | 92.4837 | 471 | 2 | 471 | 2 | 2 | 100.0000 | |
hfeng-pmm1 | INDEL | I1_5 | segdup | homalt | 99.5772 | 99.5772 | 99.5772 | 92.5664 | 471 | 2 | 471 | 2 | 2 | 100.0000 | |
jli-custom | INDEL | I1_5 | segdup | homalt | 99.5772 | 99.5772 | 99.5772 | 92.5135 | 471 | 2 | 471 | 2 | 2 | 100.0000 | |
hfeng-pmm3 | INDEL | I1_5 | segdup | homalt | 99.5772 | 99.5772 | 99.5772 | 92.3820 | 471 | 2 | 471 | 2 | 2 | 100.0000 | |
hfeng-pmm3 | SNP | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | het | 99.5772 | 99.1580 | 100.0000 | 57.3253 | 2473 | 21 | 2473 | 0 | 0 | ||
jlack-gatk | INDEL | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 99.5772 | 99.8940 | 99.2624 | 72.0923 | 1884 | 2 | 1884 | 14 | 11 | 78.5714 | |
ckim-gatk | INDEL | I1_5 | segdup | homalt | 99.5772 | 99.5772 | 99.5772 | 92.8593 | 471 | 2 | 471 | 2 | 2 | 100.0000 | |
jpowers-varprowl | SNP | ti | * | * | 99.5767 | 99.5483 | 99.6052 | 21.1558 | 2076086 | 9421 | 2076295 | 8230 | 1307 | 15.8809 | |
hfeng-pmm3 | INDEL | D1_5 | map_l100_m1_e0 | homalt | 99.5766 | 99.3243 | 99.8302 | 79.6546 | 588 | 4 | 588 | 1 | 1 | 100.0000 | |
hfeng-pmm1 | INDEL | D1_5 | map_l100_m1_e0 | homalt | 99.5766 | 99.3243 | 99.8302 | 80.5031 | 588 | 4 | 588 | 1 | 1 | 100.0000 | |
dgrover-gatk | SNP | tv | lowcmp_AllRepeats_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | * | 99.5765 | 99.8591 | 99.2956 | 64.7620 | 27639 | 39 | 27629 | 196 | 19 | 9.6939 | |
ckim-vqsr | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | hetalt | 99.5763 | 99.1561 | 100.0000 | 23.6246 | 235 | 2 | 236 | 0 | 0 | ||
ckim-gatk | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | hetalt | 99.5763 | 99.1561 | 100.0000 | 23.6246 | 235 | 2 | 236 | 0 | 0 | ||
asubramanian-gatk | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | hetalt | 99.5763 | 99.1561 | 100.0000 | 22.9917 | 235 | 2 | 278 | 0 | 0 | ||
jmaeng-gatk | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | hetalt | 99.5763 | 99.1561 | 100.0000 | 23.6246 | 235 | 2 | 236 | 0 | 0 | ||
ltrigg-rtg2 | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | hetalt | 99.5763 | 99.1561 | 100.0000 | 39.9497 | 235 | 2 | 239 | 0 | 0 | ||
jli-custom | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | hetalt | 99.5763 | 99.1561 | 100.0000 | 24.0385 | 235 | 2 | 237 | 0 | 0 | ||
ckim-dragen | SNP | tv | map_l150_m2_e1 | homalt | 99.5761 | 99.4436 | 99.7089 | 69.3912 | 4111 | 23 | 4111 | 12 | 10 | 83.3333 | |
eyeh-varpipe | SNP | ti | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | homalt | 99.5761 | 99.5795 | 99.5726 | 29.1625 | 1421 | 6 | 1398 | 6 | 2 | 33.3333 | |
ckim-dragen | SNP | tv | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331 | homalt | 99.5758 | 99.3915 | 99.7609 | 70.9351 | 5390 | 33 | 5423 | 13 | 4 | 30.7692 | |
ckim-dragen | SNP | tv | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_all_merged | homalt | 99.5758 | 99.3915 | 99.7609 | 70.9351 | 5390 | 33 | 5423 | 13 | 4 | 30.7692 | |
hfeng-pmm1 | SNP | ti | map_l100_m2_e1 | * | 99.5757 | 99.3634 | 99.7889 | 64.0077 | 49170 | 315 | 49163 | 104 | 32 | 30.7692 | |
jlack-gatk | INDEL | * | HG002complexvar | homalt | 99.5756 | 99.8076 | 99.3448 | 56.8540 | 26975 | 52 | 26988 | 178 | 171 | 96.0674 | |
astatham-gatk | INDEL | * | * | homalt | 99.5755 | 99.8874 | 99.2657 | 58.8575 | 125031 | 141 | 125041 | 925 | 908 | 98.1622 | |
hfeng-pmm1 | INDEL | D1_5 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | * | 99.5749 | 99.1533 | 100.0000 | 79.4702 | 1054 | 9 | 1054 | 0 | 0 | ||
mlin-fermikit | SNP | ti | func_cds | homalt | 99.5745 | 99.8294 | 99.3210 | 18.8179 | 5266 | 9 | 5266 | 36 | 34 | 94.4444 | |
bgallagher-sentieon | INDEL | I1_5 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | het | 99.5738 | 99.3617 | 99.7868 | 68.2894 | 467 | 3 | 468 | 1 | 1 | 100.0000 | |
astatham-gatk | INDEL | I1_5 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | het | 99.5738 | 99.3617 | 99.7868 | 68.6707 | 467 | 3 | 468 | 1 | 1 | 100.0000 |