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Entry | Type | Subtype | Subset | Genotype | F-score | Recall | Precision | Frac_NA | Truth TP | Truth FN | Query TP | Query FP | FP gt | % FP ma | |
73251-73300 / 86044 show all | |||||||||||||||
ckim-gatk | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | * | 99.0047 | 98.3051 | 99.7143 | 69.9828 | 348 | 6 | 349 | 1 | 1 | 100.0000 | |
rpoplin-dv42 | SNP | tv | map_l125_m2_e1 | het | 99.0048 | 98.9955 | 99.0141 | 71.4321 | 10447 | 106 | 10445 | 104 | 55 | 52.8846 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | INDEL | * | map_l100_m2_e0 | homalt | 99.0050 | 98.5726 | 99.4413 | 82.1306 | 1243 | 18 | 1246 | 7 | 4 | 57.1429 | |
jmaeng-gatk | INDEL | I1_5 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_51to200bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 99.0050 | 99.5000 | 98.5149 | 61.3027 | 199 | 1 | 199 | 3 | 3 | 100.0000 | |
hfeng-pmm3 | INDEL | I1_5 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_51to200bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 99.0050 | 99.5000 | 98.5149 | 62.6617 | 199 | 1 | 199 | 3 | 3 | 100.0000 | |
rpoplin-dv42 | INDEL | D1_5 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRlt7_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 99.0051 | 98.4010 | 99.6166 | 36.8952 | 4677 | 76 | 4677 | 18 | 17 | 94.4444 | |
bgallagher-sentieon | SNP | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331 | het | 99.0051 | 99.4671 | 98.5473 | 71.4531 | 28559 | 153 | 28559 | 421 | 23 | 5.4632 | |
bgallagher-sentieon | SNP | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_all_merged | het | 99.0051 | 99.4671 | 98.5473 | 71.4531 | 28559 | 153 | 28559 | 421 | 23 | 5.4632 | |
ltrigg-rtg2 | INDEL | D1_5 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_all_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 99.0051 | 98.0989 | 99.9282 | 41.2255 | 5573 | 108 | 5569 | 4 | 4 | 100.0000 | |
gduggal-bwafb | SNP | * | map_l250_m2_e0 | homalt | 99.0054 | 98.2130 | 99.8108 | 88.9664 | 2638 | 48 | 2638 | 5 | 5 | 100.0000 | |
mlin-fermikit | SNP | tv | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | het | 99.0055 | 98.0306 | 100.0000 | 65.5504 | 896 | 18 | 895 | 0 | 0 | ||
ltrigg-rtg1 | INDEL | D6_15 | HG002complexvar | homalt | 99.0057 | 98.1180 | 99.9096 | 52.1005 | 1147 | 22 | 1105 | 1 | 0 | 0.0000 | |
ndellapenna-hhga | SNP | * | map_l150_m1_e0 | * | 99.0061 | 98.2783 | 99.7447 | 72.1099 | 30082 | 527 | 30082 | 77 | 40 | 51.9481 | |
hfeng-pmm3 | INDEL | D1_5 | map_l100_m2_e0 | het | 99.0064 | 99.0446 | 98.9683 | 81.1940 | 1244 | 12 | 1247 | 13 | 2 | 15.3846 | |
asubramanian-gatk | SNP | tv | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRlt7_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 99.0067 | 98.2249 | 99.8012 | 86.1050 | 498 | 9 | 502 | 1 | 1 | 100.0000 | |
hfeng-pmm2 | SNP | * | map_l100_m0_e0 | het | 99.0069 | 99.2124 | 98.8022 | 73.2241 | 21038 | 167 | 21034 | 255 | 23 | 9.0196 | |
mlin-fermikit | SNP | ti | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_homopolymer_6to10 | * | 99.0073 | 98.6439 | 99.3734 | 43.8166 | 6183 | 85 | 6185 | 39 | 38 | 97.4359 | |
bgallagher-sentieon | SNP | * | map_l125_m2_e0 | het | 99.0076 | 99.3826 | 98.6355 | 75.8378 | 29137 | 181 | 29131 | 403 | 55 | 13.6476 | |
ckim-gatk | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_quadTR_11to50 | * | 99.0078 | 98.8530 | 99.1632 | 72.8794 | 948 | 11 | 948 | 8 | 6 | 75.0000 | |
ckim-dragen | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | * | 99.0079 | 98.5876 | 99.4318 | 70.3953 | 349 | 5 | 350 | 2 | 1 | 50.0000 | |
ckim-vqsr | INDEL | I1_5 | segdup | * | 99.0079 | 98.8669 | 99.1493 | 95.7156 | 1047 | 12 | 1049 | 9 | 2 | 22.2222 | |
astatham-gatk | SNP | ti | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_51to200bp_gt95identity_merged | het | 99.0083 | 98.1431 | 99.8888 | 50.8470 | 1797 | 34 | 1797 | 2 | 0 | 0.0000 | |
astatham-gatk | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_quadTR_11to50 | * | 99.0091 | 98.3346 | 99.6930 | 62.0890 | 1299 | 22 | 1299 | 4 | 3 | 75.0000 | |
hfeng-pmm2 | SNP | * | map_l125_m0_e0 | * | 99.0092 | 99.2468 | 98.7728 | 76.6565 | 19239 | 146 | 19236 | 239 | 30 | 12.5523 | |
hfeng-pmm3 | INDEL | D1_5 | map_l100_m1_e0 | het | 99.0096 | 99.0902 | 98.9292 | 80.5480 | 1198 | 11 | 1201 | 13 | 2 | 15.3846 | |
hfeng-pmm2 | SNP | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331 | * | 99.0097 | 98.4465 | 99.5795 | 70.5535 | 44992 | 710 | 44993 | 190 | 10 | 5.2632 | |
hfeng-pmm2 | SNP | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_all_merged | * | 99.0097 | 98.4465 | 99.5795 | 70.5535 | 44992 | 710 | 44993 | 190 | 10 | 5.2632 | |
hfeng-pmm3 | INDEL | D6_15 | segdup | homalt | 99.0099 | 100.0000 | 98.0392 | 91.6938 | 50 | 0 | 50 | 1 | 1 | 100.0000 | |
asubramanian-gatk | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | hetalt | 99.0099 | 98.0392 | 100.0000 | 24.2857 | 50 | 1 | 53 | 0 | 0 | ||
ckim-dragen | INDEL | I16_PLUS | HG002complexvar | het | 99.0099 | 98.3459 | 99.6830 | 64.2493 | 654 | 11 | 629 | 2 | 1 | 50.0000 | |
ckim-gatk | INDEL | I1_5 | map_l150_m2_e0 | homalt | 99.0099 | 99.5025 | 98.5222 | 88.8462 | 200 | 1 | 200 | 3 | 2 | 66.6667 | |
cchapple-custom | INDEL | I6_15 | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_homopolymer_6to10 | homalt | 99.0099 | 100.0000 | 98.0392 | 80.3846 | 49 | 0 | 50 | 1 | 1 | 100.0000 | |
gduggal-bwafb | INDEL | I1_5 | map_l150_m2_e0 | homalt | 99.0099 | 99.5025 | 98.5222 | 89.2706 | 200 | 1 | 200 | 3 | 1 | 33.3333 | |
dgrover-gatk | INDEL | * | map_l100_m2_e0 | homalt | 99.0099 | 99.1277 | 98.8924 | 84.9649 | 1250 | 11 | 1250 | 14 | 6 | 42.8571 | |
dgrover-gatk | INDEL | I1_5 | map_l150_m2_e0 | homalt | 99.0099 | 99.5025 | 98.5222 | 88.5634 | 200 | 1 | 200 | 3 | 2 | 66.6667 | |
rpoplin-dv42 | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_homopolymer_6to10 | het | 99.0099 | 100.0000 | 98.0392 | 81.6547 | 52 | 0 | 50 | 1 | 0 | 0.0000 | |
ndellapenna-hhga | INDEL | I1_5 | map_l150_m2_e0 | homalt | 99.0099 | 99.5025 | 98.5222 | 88.8031 | 200 | 1 | 200 | 3 | 1 | 33.3333 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | hetalt | 99.0099 | 98.0392 | 100.0000 | 32.8947 | 50 | 1 | 51 | 0 | 0 | ||
ltrigg-rtg2 | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_triTR_11to50 | hetalt | 99.0099 | 98.0392 | 100.0000 | 32.0000 | 50 | 1 | 51 | 0 | 0 | ||
ltrigg-rtg2 | SNP | ti | map_l125_m2_e0 | * | 99.0101 | 98.1724 | 99.8622 | 61.4718 | 29705 | 553 | 29707 | 41 | 10 | 24.3902 | |
hfeng-pmm2 | INDEL | * | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_TRgt6_lt101bp_gt95identity_merged | het | 99.0102 | 98.4000 | 99.6280 | 74.9024 | 2952 | 48 | 2946 | 11 | 3 | 27.2727 | |
eyeh-varpipe | SNP | ti | map_l125_m0_e0 | * | 99.0106 | 99.6082 | 98.4201 | 77.7397 | 12712 | 50 | 12521 | 201 | 11 | 5.4726 | |
jlack-gatk | INDEL | D16_PLUS | lowcmp_AllRepeats_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 99.0110 | 98.7939 | 99.2291 | 68.2739 | 901 | 11 | 901 | 7 | 5 | 71.4286 | |
qzeng-custom | INDEL | D1_5 | HG002complexvar | homalt | 99.0114 | 98.8205 | 99.2030 | 52.6484 | 10473 | 125 | 10456 | 84 | 62 | 73.8095 | |
mlin-fermikit | SNP | ti | * | homalt | 99.0118 | 99.0588 | 98.9648 | 15.5441 | 795481 | 7558 | 795502 | 8321 | 8052 | 96.7672 | |
ltrigg-rtg2 | INDEL | * | lowcmp_AllRepeats_lt51bp_gt95identity_merged | * | 99.0121 | 98.4584 | 99.5720 | 70.6731 | 92993 | 1456 | 93299 | 401 | 200 | 49.8753 | |
ltrigg-rtg1 | INDEL | D6_15 | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_all_gt95identity_merged | homalt | 99.0126 | 98.2938 | 99.7419 | 42.5046 | 3111 | 54 | 3091 | 8 | 8 | 100.0000 | |
jlack-gatk | INDEL | * | lowcmp_SimpleRepeat_quadTR_11to50 | * | 99.0126 | 98.9729 | 99.0524 | 59.2954 | 19658 | 204 | 19651 | 188 | 96 | 51.0638 | |
astatham-gatk | SNP | ti | lowcmp_Human_Full_Genome_TRDB_hg19_150331_all_gt95identity_merged | het | 99.0127 | 98.2067 | 99.8321 | 79.0112 | 4162 | 76 | 4162 | 7 | 4 | 57.1429 | |
gduggal-bwafb | SNP | tv | map_l150_m0_e0 | homalt | 99.0129 | 98.1928 | 99.8469 | 80.0489 | 1304 | 24 | 1304 | 2 | 2 | 100.0000 |